Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Sequi, natus neque esse, accusamus blanditiis debitis ad sint illum qui maiores non placeat id repudiandae. Veniam tempora ipsa incidunt excepturi dolore perspiciatis doloremque rerum similique!
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Subtitle * – Quisque bibendum fringilla dignissim
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Ate 2023
Harmony Premium Unity SDK
Our Harmony Premium Unity SDK is a proprietary plugin you need to install inside your Unity project in order to be able to import your assets. Once you downloaded our package, please refer to the Unity .unitypackage documentation to import the SDK.
Day 1 | Jun 6, 2022 | Day 1 | Jun 6, 2022 | Day 1 | Jun 6, 2022 |
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit | Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit | Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit |
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit | Event detail 2 | Event detail 2 |
Course Title | Duration | Description | Available Courses | Price |
Harmony Fundamentals |
36 Hours |
Intended for artists who are new to Harmony and want to gain a foundational level of general knowledge in all of Harmony Premium’s main functionalities. Participants will learn core features and functionalities of Harmony Premium, including but not limited to animation concepts, basic frame-by-frame animation, cut-out animation, rigging, and compositing. |
Remote Online Live Session |
CAD $1,349.00 |
Storyboard Pro Fundamentals |
15 Hours |
Storyboard Pro Fundamentals training is intended for artists who understand the fundamentals of storyboarding and are interested in learning digital boarding techniques in Storyboard Pro to optimize their production. Participants will learn how to plan and construct storyboards as well as animatics using the latest techniques available in Storyboard Pro, including the 3D environment and collaboration tools. |
Remote Online Live Session |
CAD $679.00 |
Train the Teacher: Harmony |
36 Hours |
Intended for teachers who are integrating Harmony in their K-12 curriculum. Participants will learn the core concepts of animation in Harmony from basic frame-by-frame animation to cut-out animation while being provided with tips and resources to aid students in class and help teachers align lessons with certification learning objectives. |
Remote Online Live Session |
CAD $1,349.00 |
Train the Teacher: Storyboard Pro |
21 Hours |
Intended for teachers who are integrating Storyboard Pro in their K-12 curriculum. Participants will learn the core storyboarding concepts in Storyboard Pro from basic panel sketching and caption management to animatic creation while being provided with tips and resources to aid students in class and help teachers align lessons with the certification learning objectives. |
Remote Online Live Session |
CAD $809.00 |
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- test
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Partners Block
orem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed in commodo nisi, id bibendum eros. Duis commodo lorem iaculis, mattis leo sed, posuere purus. Curabitur eu tincidunt est, accumsan imperdiet neque.
Integer eget magna
Nulla non risus
Donec egestas lorem vitae molestie scelerisque. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Integer eleifend vehicula dapibus. Nullam tristique nulla massa, ac mollis enim tincidunt et. Nullam pellentesque nisi pharetra rhoncus luctus. Vivamus convallis vestibulum commodo.
Subtitle * – Quisque vitae elementum nulla
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque vitae elementum nulla. Donec vitae neque sed tortor elementum malesuada. Nunc eget facilisis purus.
Title 90% width
Text 90% width
Media Left
Border Bottom On
Image Offset On
Subtitle * – Vestibulum mauris mi, malesuada at nisi id, congue porttitor massa
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque vitae elementum nulla. Donec vitae neque sed tortor elementum malesuada. Nunc eget facilisis purus.
Title 60% width
Text 60% width
Media Left
Border Bottom Off
Image Offset Off
Half Half With List
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam vel maximus lacus. Phasellus iaculis placerat nisi, at sagittis arcu blandit et. Praesent metus lectus, dignissim id volutpat ac, cursus quis massa.
Title 90% width
Text 90% width
Media Left
Border Bottom On
Image Offset On
- Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
- Donec ac pellentesque ex. Proin neque
- Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis
Half Half List with 2 cols
Subtitle * – Vestibulum mauris mi, malesuada at nisi id, congue porttitor massa
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam vel maximus lacus. Phasellus iaculis placerat nisi, at sagittis arcu blandit et. Praesent metus lectus, dignissim id volutpat ac, cursus quis massa.
Title 90% width
Text 90% width
Media Left
Border Bottom On
Image Offset Off
- Vestibulum mauris mi, malesuada
- Ut tincidunt mattis
- Duis ac accumsan turpis
- Proin dictum velit sed lacinia feugiat
- Aenean quis urna id nisi
Half Half with Text formatting
Subtitle * – Mauris nec tincidunt
Title H2
Title H3
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam vel maximus lacus. Phasellus iaculis placerat nisi, at sagittis arcu blandit et. Praesent metus lectus, dignissim id volutpat ac, cursus quis massa.
Title 90% width
Text 90% width
Media Right
Border Bottom On
Image Offset Off
Title H2
Title H3
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam vel maximus lacus. Phasellus iaculis placerat nisi, at sagittis arcu blandit et. Praesent metus lectus, dignissim id volutpat ac, cursus quis massa.
- Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis
- Morbi facilisis, est eu ullamcorper
- Orci varius
Text Block 40% width centered
Subtitle * – malesuada at nisi id, congue porttitor massa
We’re here to make sure that you get the most out of your Toon Booms software. Please contact Support for software-related questions, or to get help from our experts on your special projects.
Title 40% width
Text 40% width
Text Align Center
Background Color None
Border Bottom On
Text Block 60% width centered
Subtitle * – malesuada at nisi id, congue porttitor massa
We’re here to make sure that you get the most out of your Toon Booms software. Please contact Support for software-related questions, or to get help from our experts on your special projects.
Title 60% width
Text 60% width
Text Align Center
Background Color None
Border Bottom On
Text Block 90% width centered
Subtitle * – malesuada at nisi id, congue porttitor massa
We’re here to make sure that you get the most out of your Toon Booms software. Please contact Support for software-related questions, or to get help from our experts on your special projects.
Title 90% width
Text 90% width
Text Align Center
Background Color White
Border Bottom Off
Text Block 60% width left
Subtitle * – malesuada at nisi id, congue porttitor massa
We’re here to make sure that you get the most out of your Toon Booms software. Please contact Support for software-related questions, or to get help from our experts on your special projects.
Title 60% width
Text 60% width
Text Align Left
Background Color None
Border Bottom On
Text Block 90% width left
Subtitle * – malesuada at nisi id, congue porttitor massa
We’re here to make sure that you get the most out of your Toon Booms software. Please contact Support for software-related questions, or to get help from our experts on your special projects.
Title 90% width
Text 90% width
Text Align Left
Background Color Gray
Border Bottom Off
Praesent molestie pulvinar interdum
Aenean accumsan
Vivamus vitae eros at elit malesuada molestie quis nec lectus. Praesent ornare nunc quis pulvinar bibendum. Duis eget pretium nunc. Praesent nec ipsum sit amet magna porta fringilla sed eu purus. Sed faucibus luctus felis ut tristique. Nunc quam est, sodales id lectus ut, congue dictum ipsum.
Etiam et tempor nibh
Scelerisque commodo
Praesent euismod ligula tellus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nulla ut risus suscipit, consectetur urna in, euismod eros. Integer quis euismod arcu. Etiam tempor est turpis, id porta libero vulputate sit amet.
Quisque a pretium lacus nullam eu interdum metus In efficitur metus arcu tincidunt.
Column List Left image
Subtitle * – Vestibulum mauris mi, malesuada at nisi id, congue porttitor massa
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut auctor consectetur sem, et vestibulum sem ultrices eget. In convallis eros eu nisi tempus, eget interdum diam rut
Title 90% width
Text 90% width
Image Align Left
Image Vertical Alignment Center
List Icon Check
List Icone Color Yellow
Border Bottom On
- Ut pretium augue congue ac
- Aenean urna orci, cursus a porta ut, sollicitudin maximus magn
- Quisque bibendum
- Pellentesque a feugiat eros
- Morbi facilisis, est eu ullamcorper varius, nisi ante
- Etiam consequat ligula id nisl ultricies, eget hendrerit
- Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
Column List Centered image
Subtitle * – Vestibulum mauris mi, malesuada at nisi id, congue porttitor massa
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut auctor consectetur sem, et vestibulum sem ultrices eget. In convallis eros eu nisi tempus, eget interdum diam rut
Title 70% width
Text 70% width
Image Align Center
Image Vertical Alignment Bottom
List Icon Check
List Icone Color Blue
Border Bottom On
- Ut pretium augue congue ac
- Aenean urna orci, cursus a porta ut, sollicitudin maximus magn
- Quisque bibendum
- Pellentesque a feugiat eros
- Morbi facilisis, est eu ullamcorper varius, nisi ante
- Etiam consequat ligula id nisl ultricies, eget hendrerit
- Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
Column List Right image
Subtitle * – Vestibulum mauris mi, malesuada at nisi id, congue porttitor massa
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut auctor consectetur sem, et vestibulum sem ultrices eget. In convallis eros eu nisi tempus, eget interdum diam rut
Title 50% width
Text 50% width
Image Align Right
Image Vertical Alignment Center
List Icon Check
List Icone Color Gray
Border Bottom On
- Ut pretium augue congue ac
- Aenean urna orci, cursus a porta ut, sollicitudin maximus magn
- Quisque bibendum
- Pellentesque a feugiat eros
- Morbi facilisis, est eu ullamcorper varius, nisi ante
- Etiam consequat ligula id nisl ultricies, eget hendrerit
- Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
We create 2D animation software inspired by the day to day work of industry creatives.
Subtitle * – Etiam dignissim pretium neque, ut pretium augue congue acNullam auctor a velit id dignissim. Proin dictum velit sed lacinia feugiat. Mauris nec tincidunt libero, sollicitudin consectetur dui. In nec orci ut neque tincidunt ullamcorper.
Title 90% width
Text 90% width
Image Align Right
Border Bottom On
We create 2D animation software inspired by the day to day work of industry creatives.
Subtitle * – Etiam dignissim pretium neque, ut pretium augue congue acNullam auctor a velit id dignissim. Proin dictum velit sed lacinia feugiat. Mauris nec tincidunt libero, sollicitudin consectetur dui. In nec orci ut neque tincidunt ullamcorper.
Title 70% width
Text 70% width
Image Sequence
Border Bottom On
Half with video
Subtitle * – Etiam dignissim pretium neque, ut pretium augue congue ac
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam lacinia tristique dolor, non bibendum felis euismod eget. Maecenas varius lobortis felis, a pulvinar neque porttitor at. In condimentum mi laoreet metus fermentum
Content Block Cards Products
Subtitle * – Etiam dignissim pretium neque, ut pretium augue congue ac
Nullam auctor a velit id dignissim. Proin dictum velit sed lacinia feugiat. Mauris nec tincidunt libero, sollicitudin consectetur dui.
Title 90% width
Text 90% width
Products Cards
Border Bottom On
Content Block Cards Custom
Subtitle * – Etiam dignissim pretium neque, ut pretium augue congue ac
Nullam auctor a velit id dignissim. Proin dictum velit sed lacinia feugiat. Mauris nec tincidunt libero, sollicitudin consectetur dui.
Title 90% width
Text 90% width
Custom Cards
Border Bottom Off
Odio convallis lacinia in in magna.
Integer sit amet augue porta
Curabitur nulla dolor, aliquet a mattis id, vestibulum sit amet arcu. Donec fringilla leo lorem, nec elementum lacus dignissim at. Suspendisse non ante erat. Sed interdum nunc id arcu hendrerit, at molestie neque convallis.
Step List
Subtitle * – Etiam dignissim pretium neque
Vestibulum mauris mi, malesuada at nisi id, congue porttitor massa. In et ligula mollis, condimentum ipsum vel, iaculis lorem. Duis pulvinar vulputate arcu eu ultricies.
Step 1
Etiam dignissim pretium neque, ut pretium augue congu
Step 2
Proin dictum velit sed lacinia feugiat. Mauris nec tincidunt libero
Step 3
Quisque bibendum fringilla dignissim. Pellentesque a feugiat eros. Duis sagittis nulla eget nibh lobortis
Content Block Numbered List
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Pellentesque aliquam nunc nuncvel accumsan
Bibendum vel. Suspendisse sit amet auctor quam
Vestibulum tincidunt felis ut mauris mollis aliquet. Vestibulum tempor lectus tortor, at aliquet arcu facilisis eu. Fusce at mi enim. Mauris suscipit diam tortor, nec auctor quam tristique sed.
Felis integer eu ipsum quis leo
Tempus bibendum efficitur varius est
Sed sit amet eros magna. Mauris fringilla blandit massa, vitae iaculis elit luctus vitae.
Lorem ipsum dolor
Cras lobortis sapien
Curabitur vel augue sit amet massa euismod scelerisque id sit amet elit. Nullam placerat ullamcorper tortor, nec auctor justo. Ut sed erat id massa feugiat imperdiet vel id justo. Vestibulum urna mauris, suscipit placerat mi at, vehicula scelerisque leo. Nullam sed lacinia leo, et egestas eros. Fusce vel auctor justo. Aenean id tempus odio. Maecenas iaculis justo urna, at ultrices nulla tincidunt eu. Nam tempor venenatis lacus et consectetur. Morbi varius ut sapien ut dapibus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.
In porttitor porta lacinia. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Aenean eu scelerisque velit. Maecenas eget urna at tortor vehicula feugiat. Phasellus commodo ante id consectetur sagittis. Aenean pulvinar porttitor odio. Cras pellentesque purus turpis, et molestie ligula scelerisque imperdiet. Aenean bibendum est a elementum pellentesque. Vivamus at ligula mauris.
Maximus magna a aliquet. Nam blandit pulvinar erat, quis tincidunt tellus tincidunt non. Nunc nec volutpat orci, vel commodo lorem. Morbi finibus nibh quis purus iaculis vulputate.
Sed quis blandit erat
Quisque in tincidunt est
Donec at magna id leo lacinia porttitor. Praesent eget arcu vitae elit luctus aliquam rhoncus sit amet nulla. . Pellentesque vel lobortis lorem, vitae iaculis ligula. Aenean at dignissim magna, non pulvinar dui. Nulla ac metus sed sapien auctor pellentesque id et ipsum.
- Americas
- Europe
The university boasts state-of-the-art laboratories and unique features such as internationalization. Since 2006, it has sent thousands of Brazilian students abroad for courses and has welcomed hundreds of foreign students to its campuses, creating multicultural environments for learning. Anhembi Morumbi also contributes to the democratization of Higher Education by offering digital courses with multiple centers both within and outside São Paulo. Additionally, students engage in practical learning from their very first day of classes. Currently, Anhembi Morumbi is part of the Ânima Ecosystem.
Universidad San Francisco de Quito
Av. Diego de Robles y Vía Interoceánica, Cumbayá, Quito, EcuadorUnited States of America (USA)
Vermont State University
1001 College Rd.Lyndonville, VT 05851, USA
Students in the Animation & Illustration program come away with a strong, diverse portfolio of relevant workplace experience. During junior and senior years of study, students participate in Animation Illustration Workshop, a series of practicum-based courses in which they provide animation and illustration services for local and regional businesses and develop personal projects. Classroom work is oriented towards authentic application; solutions designed to go into the real world and serve true purpose.
Webster’s animation programs give you a strong foundation in the techniques of hand-drawn and computer animation, the technology that powers today’s cutting-edge animated content, and the theoretical knowledge that will grow your artistic perspective. Our students synthesize theory and practice to create vibrant animated content with a global viewpoint. You will gain insight and mentorship from our practitioner faculty.
The BA in Animation prepares you for a career in independent and commercial animation. You will develop a broad range of expertise in animation arts including 2D and 3D character animation, game art, comics, concept art, and character design.
Our nationally ranked program will prepare you for careers in industries such as film, television, video games, medical animation, architectural rendering, advertising, and product visualization. You’ll learn up-to-date animation techniques and how to use industry-standard animation software. The animation curriculum leads students through a classic arts foundation and then into a strong technical foundation guided by industry demands.
You’ll study character design, storyboarding, traditional animation, and a wide range of other topics. In our 3-D classes, you’ll get into modeling, texturing, lighting, character animation, and visual effects. You’ll have plenty of opportunities to participate in hands-on, collaborative projects with students and faculty in other courses of study.
In every animation course, you will gain valuable experience with leading animation industry software. Toon Boom, Toon Boom Harmony, Maya, Photoshop, and Adobe Illustrator are just a few of the programs you’ll learn before heading into the real world.
You’ll also prepare for your first job by learning professional skills, such as using fine art and design principles in creative problem-solving, learning and apply professional terminology, creating a demo reel or portfolio, and learning how to market yourself in relation to today’s jobs.
College for Creative Studies
201 E Kirby St, Detroit, MI 48202, USAUtah Valley University
800 West University Parkway, Orem, UT 84058The Animation and Game Development program at UVU is housed in the Department of Digital Media, in the College of Engineering and Technology. Two tracks are available, allowing students to choose a field of study in 3D Animation and Games, or in 2D Animation. A Bachelor of Science degree, as well as certifications are offered within these disciplines. The curriculum in this degree program has been designed to give students a comprehensive learning experience, based on contemporary studio practices and procedures.
Massachusetts College of Art and Design
621 Huntington Ave, Boston, MA 02115Rocky Mountain College of Art + Design
1600 Pierce Street, Denver, CO 80214Graduates of RMCAD’s Animation Department are ready to become independent artists, animators, and producers, and are well prepared to imagine and create the complex and ever-changing future of animation.
Animation students at MCAD gain experience in a wide range of roles, including storyboarding, character development, background animation and more. Our courses prepare creators to develop their skills and articulate their ideas in new ways and strive to keep students informed, interested and knowledgeable about an exciting and expanding field.
SVA BFA Animation’s creative environment allows students to use the art form of 2D animation and imagination to tell stories with a unique vision, style, and intent. Students in the program are challenged to be curious and open to collaboration and experimentation while following the high standards of academic performance and professionalism. The curriculum, taught by industry professionals, covers all aspects of the production pipeline – from ideation to completion where the students are creating, directly and producing individually as well as collaboratively.
Savannah College of Art & Design (SCAD)
SCAD Admission DepartmentP.O. Box 2072
Savannah, GA
31402-2072 USA
2-D. 3-D. Stop-motion. Digital modeling. Rigging. Lighting. Look development. As an animation student, you can master it all and benefit from the opportunity to collaborate with, and take electives in, other majors such as visual effects, motion media, interactive design and game development, sound design, film and television, and sequential art. The result? You graduate as a dynamic, multifaceted animator, extremely marketable and ready to take the industry by storm.
Forsyth Technical Community College
2100 Silas Creek ParkwayWinston-Salem, NC 27103
Escuela Escena
C. Concepción Beistegui 515, Col del Valle Centro, Benito Juárez, 03100 Ciudad de México, CDMX, MexicoThe best way to learn art is by creating. That is why our “Project Based Learning System” encourages our students to participate in the production of animated short films, video games and comics.
Universidad de Artes Digitales
Calle Andrés Terán 1106, Chapultepec Country, 44620 Guadalajara, Jal., MexicoPeru
Likewise, they will have the opportunity to be part of an animated short in 2D and 3D, experiencing the different positions within a production, and at the end of their degree they will have 2 animated shorts in their work portfolio. As part of the professional practices, they can participate in projects with the leading companies in the sector, such as the UNDP (United Nations Program).
Our teachers are already part of the leading companies in the sector such as Apus Studio, Bamtang Games, Final Frontier and members and/or juries of such important events as the Directorate of Audiovisual, Phonography and New Media (DAFO) which is sponsored by the Ministry of Culture of Peru. We have international agreements with prestigious institutions in America.
Escuela de Animación Universidad Mayor
Santo Domingo 711, Santiago, Región Metropolitana, ChileEscuela de Comunicación DuocUC
Av. Eliodoro Yáñez 1595, Piso 11, Santiago, ChileInstituto Profesional Santo Tomás
Vicuña Mackenna 4860, Macul, Región Metropolitana, ChiliCanada
United Kingdom (UK)
Manchester Metropolitan University
All Saints Building, Oxford Road, Room 209Manchester M15 6BH
United Kingdom
Animation students are part of the School of Digital Arts (SODA), a vibrant community that offers the chance to collaborate on cross-disciplinary group projects that mirror industry practices to prepare students to compete successfully in this rapidly growing field.
The courses have excellent links with industry, which offer opportunities for industry professionals to set live briefs, attend panel events, and provide advice through portfolio reviews and film pitches.
Visits from industry practitioners and opportunities for studio placements will add to your knowledge and prepare you for a career that could see you work in film, commercials or even video game production. We’ll give you skills to shape the future of the industry. The animation revolution starts here!
Scuola Internazionale di Comics – Torino
Via Borgone 48 bis BTorino 10139
The International School of Comics provides the basis for introducing students to the world of work with a 360-degree knowledge of all project development procedures and more.
In fact, in our educational path, we deal with all the processing phases linked to not only creative but also commercial development, giving students the opportunity to create their own personal project starting from direction and storytelling and to follow the project in the subsequent production and video post-production, gaining experience in a wide range of roles, including storyboarding, character concept development, special effects development and more, preparing pupils to develop their own artistic skills and ideas and to tackle different situations and roles within the entire creative process.
Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti
Via Carlo Darwin, 2020143 Milano MI
Via Ostiense, 92
00154 Roma RM
The NABA Media Design and New Technologies Area’s didactic approach, with its BAs in Film and Animation and in Creative Technologies, the MA in Creative Media Production and the Academic Master in Screenwriting for Series, is aimed to expand knowledge and the most advanced media and creative technology-based methods to create complex and contemporary authorial and research projects as well as grow professionals able to deal with the increasingly powerful, widespread, differentiated technologies in the productive practice.
Scuola Internazionale di Comics – Roma
Via Francesco Lemmi, 1000179 Roma RM
Fondazione Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia
Via Tuscolana, 152400173 Roma RM
3is – Institut international de l’image et du son
4 Rue Blaise Pascal78990 Élancourt
D’abord spécialisé dans l’univers du Cinéma et de l’audiovisuel, le groupe s’est diversifié pour couvrir l’ensemble des industries créatives : son, spectacle vivant, jeu vidéo, cinéma d’animation, effets spéciaux ou encore acting.
Cette transversalité est une des forces du groupe, ce qui a permis de développer au fil des promotions une réelle expertise dans l’échange inter-filière, et ce afin de renforcer l’employabilité de nos apprenants.
En effet, l’insertion professionnelle est au cœur des ambitions de 3iS, grâce aux liens étroits entretenus avec les entreprises des industries culturelles mais également par les dispositifs d’apprentissage valorisés sur de nombreuses formations.
L’école, créée en 1988 en région parisienne, s’est développée au fil des années en région, d’abord sur Bordeaux en 2016, puis sur Lyon, Nantes et Avignon. Véritable entreprise familiale, c’est de père en fille que l’excellence pédagogique se transmet.
U-tad Centro Universitario de Tecnología y Arte Digital
Calle Playa de Liencres, 2 bisParque Europa Empresarial
Edificio Madrid
28290 Las Rozas, Madrid
AKV St. Joost School for fine Art and Design
Parallelweg 215223 AL ‘s-Hertogenbosch
Limerick School of Art and Design (TUS)
LIT Clare Street Campus,Clare Street
Limerick, Ireland
LSAD (TUS) teaches animation to students enrolled in both their Digital Animation Production and Animation & Motion Design programmes. These programmes offer both contrasting and complimentary approaches to the discipline of animation.
Saudi Arabia
South Africa
The Animation School
CAPE TOWN CAMPUS42 Searle Street, Woodstock, Cape Town, South Africa, 7925
Block 6, 110 Conrad, 110 Conrad Drive, Craighall Park, Randburg, Johannesburg, South Africa, 2196
New Zealand
Yoobee College of Creative Innovation
Auckland City RoadLevel 4, 3 City Road, Grafton
Auckland 1010
This unique and diverse degree will equip you with everything you need to launch your career as a specialist in story and character, world-building and visual effects, or interactive media and games.
The programme kicks off with a thorough grounding in all disciplines, giving you the animation chops to work as a generalist or as part of a studio team. From there you’ll delve deeper into your own chosen field, developing the academic, creative and technical expertise to really set you apart.
Constantly evolving to stay abreast of industry needs, this vocational degree programme will equip you with technical aptitude, expertise and the creative smarts you need to produce work that is engaging, captivating and inspiring.
Upon completion of this course, you will graduate with a Bachelor of Animation (Level 7).
Southern Institue of Technology
Freepost SIT2LRN,133 Tay Street, Invercargill
New Zealand
South Korea
Busan KyungSang College
170 Gobun-ro, Yeonje-gu, Busan, South KoreaPhilippines
De La Salle-College of Saint Benilde
2544 Taft Avenue, Malate, Manila, 1004 Metro Manila, PhilippinesWith industry practitioners as mentors, you learn from professionals who share their expertise on the tools of the trade and who bring their insider’s perspective into the Benildean classroom.
NEXUS CAMPUS7434, Yakal Street
Barangay San Antonio,
Makati City
Throughout the practical and hands-on programs, students are equipped with relevant production experience within a wide array of animation skills. Students will develop expertise in pre-visualisation, script writing, storyboarding, 2D animation, 3D modelling and animation, character design, stop motion, video and sound design, VFX and motion graphics. With courses from diplomas to undergraduate degrees, we have an option for every student.
Develop a unique vision as an artist and animator, studying concept development, storyboarding, 2D, 3D and stop-motion character animation, motion capture, editing, graphic processes, sound recording, visual effects, post-production, marketing and distribution. Using top of the line hardware and premium industry-recognised software to produce original animated projects, from concept to delivery.
Universitas Multimedia Nusantara
Jl. Boulevard, Gading Serpong, Kel. Curug Sangereng, Kec. Kelapa Dua, Kab. Tangerang,Prop. Banten, Indonesia
Focusing on ICT, UMN arranges the ICT-based curricula for all programs. UMN students are provided with knowledge about and orientation to the development of ICT to be ready to adapt to the global challenges or even be part of the changes. UMN does not only educate the students to be prepared to become professionals or researchers, but it also educates them to be ready to become a technopreneur upon graduation.
One of the faculty in UMN, Faculty of Arts and Design, is a place of learning and collaboration for future artists and designers who are creative, competent, technologically literate, and with an entrepreneurship mindset. The Faculty of Art and Design has three study programs; Film (Film and Animation major), Visual Communication Design (Visual Brand Design & Interactive Design major), and Architecture (green architecture major).
We are supported by a curriculum that accommodates the development of creativity and technology, competent lecturers, the latest infrastructure, a collaborative academic atmosphere, and a relationship to the industry with UMN Pictures that focuses on creative innovation in animation, games, and much more. We are continuously updated with industry developments to adapt to technology and creative field innovation. Many works of students and lecturers have won awards at both international and national festivals. Universitas Multimedia Nusantara is the right place for students to forge themselves into innovative professionals who excel in creative fields.
University of Amikom Yogyakarta
Jl. Ring Road Utara, Ngringin, Condongcatur, Kec. Depok, Kabupaten Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55281, IndonesiaWith the development of technology, the University of Amikom Yogyakarta is also developing learning in the fields of 2D animation and 3D animation. Amikom University Yogyakarta has also produced animated films, one of his works is the Battle of Surabaya (November 10’th). This film became Indonesia’s first 2D animated film that aired on the big screen. Furthermore, Amikom will continue to develop its animation production by providing animation material in its study program and involving students in the production of animated films. Amikom also aspires to make Indonesia become one of the central points of animation production in Southeast Asia.
Akademi Seni Budaya Dan Warisan Kebangsaan (ASWARA)
464, Jalan Tun Ismail,50480, Kuala Lumpur,
ASWARA are responsible for producing graduates who are able to become a scholar, advocate, foster, perpetrators and practitioners of art, culture and heritage at the course of diploma, degree and highest honors in the fields of theater, dance, writing, animation, music, film and television as well as arts and cultural management.
Asia Pacific University of Technology & Innovation (APU)
Jalan Teknologi 5, Taman Teknologi Malaysia, 57000 Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur, MalaysiaWith an international student community of more than 12,000 students from more than 130 countries studying in the Malaysian campus, APU offers a truly cosmopolitan learning environment which prepares students well for the global challenges which lie ahead.
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